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Pakistanis against terrorism: global protest vigils #ReclaimYourMosque

From the Blog beenasarwar[image: Pakistanis against terrorism: Shehroz Hussain speaking at the global protest vigil on Jan 16, in Boston] Pakistanis against terrorism: Shehroz Hussain speaking at the global protest vigil on Jan 16, in Boston Shehroz Hussain was a foreign student from Pakistan, a freshman at college in the USA, when Taliban or their affiliated groups shot dead his father, Dr Riaz Hussain Shah, in front of his clinic in Peshawar in January, 2013. “In August 2012, as I stood at the airport to say goodbye to my family, I did not know I would never see one person again,” said Shehroz, speaking at a protest vigil last Friday in Boston’s historic Copley Square. “That person was the one with the most tears. He cried so much that relatives joked with him. I will never forget that night when I wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6285234100712655407 Pakistani Blog Posts


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