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Tamed Airs

From the Blog mera-visionThe void, it never truly gets filled does it? asked the stranger in a hushed voice as if speaking to himself. Indeed! replied the dervish, his voice calm like his posture. A spark of approval crossed his face but as if the dervish could see the thoughts, he continued speaking but it can always be […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Snowflake Gloves

From the Blog ummeyusufThese days, my son is really taken with all things frost-related. So it came to me as no surprise when he wanted me to make him a pair of gloves with snowflakes on them. But it was taking a things to far, when he decided he wanted the color of gloves to be light blue. I tried to talk him into navy blue, but there was no dissuading him. Also, he handpicked the snowflake and all. Though not my first choice of color, the light blue has slowly grown on me and the finished gloves do look quite cute. And, of course, they make him very happy, so much so that he has worn them to school for two days straight (and brought back an intact pair). *By the time these pictures were taken, the gloves had seen two days of wear.* For the actual knitting, I took elements from a couple of patternspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Fort Oblivion, Ramkot

From the Blog odysseuslahoriA solitary shoveller, alarmed by our fast approaching speed-boat, scudded the still blue waters of Mangla Reservoir on strong, fast wings with my gaze tied to its tail. And even as we gained on it, it was clear of the water and winging swiftly away from us in graceful flight. I, the conservationist, could even feel the surge of thebird’s adrenalin extend itself to my body as I marvelled at the sheer beauty and power of its take-off and the elegance of its flight angling off to the right. We had left the Mangla Water Sports Club a mere ten minutes earlier and the speed-boat had shot us across the blue sheet of the artificial lake to its northern extremity. Here, before they built the dam, the Poonch River coming down from the northeast met with the bigger Jhelum coming straight pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6522103504461833013 Pakistani Blog Posts


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