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Ask: What kind of pens do you use?

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writes Thank you so much for taking the time out to give me such a beautiful compliment ;-; Now for your question. I am a very minimalistic person. I don’t like taking a big pouch of pens to med school and back (those books are hard enough) and I also like to have my personal notes and my lecture notes to look exactly the same (neat freak much .__.). So all I use are common ballpoint pens and colored felt tip pointers. Here’s my MUST HAVE arsenal of writing instruments: -Dollar Pointer Softliner (for the headings, tables, underlining, highlighted text) They’re available in about… seven or eight colors I think- the standard black blue red green and then light blue (picture), pink, purple, and light brown. I think that’s it. -Piano ball point (blue and black, I pick which ever colpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Good Ol' Randoms

From the Blog noorsplace It's been a while since I wrote about little and random things. Like, a big big while. I will do it now. Wide grin. College is started back after an extended winter break. To be honest, I missed it a lot. There were days when I hated the thought of going to college for the first time and now I don't even want to miss a single day. Except of a few subjects that I may or may not like. *Economics*! I was indirectly talking about Economics. On Wednesday, I had a test and I totally forgot about it. I worked on an assignment on same test in winter break so I had some acquaintance of what it would be about. I went to attend the class and when I realized I had to give Economics' test, I nearly freaked out. "Should I go and tell teacher I am not interested in test?" or "Oh hi there, I fopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2722137180499960829 Pakistani Blog Posts


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