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El Dorado

From the Blog shahzebnajam There are days like these she says, and there are days like that. Days where the ink-and-paper lighthouses you’ve built sing songs of El Dorado and all you can do is listen and learn hurt and yearn. Late into the night our legs dangle over city-streets watching city-lights and the aeroplanes always the aeroplanes. We hear the sweet sad songs of anonymous traffic travelling – forever travelling – on roads that do not stop by the little, dusty towns but speed on – forever on – toward tomorrow. They put up new floodlights at Hill Park over the weekend and there are new stars in the sky winter’s over they say, while I shiver from the cold. [image: 2015/01/img_2177.jpg] Filed under: Poetry Tagged: El Dorado, Hill Park, Karachi, Lighthouses, Stars, Winter pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2336794487589778728 Pakistani Blog Posts


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