unusual happiness in such bad times
From the Blog tanveerrauf Dara Syed is my Nephew’s son. his father (my nephew is a doctor in Boston) his wife is an Irish lady. Michelle is a very loving mother , a caring wife and a good house wife. Dara interviewed his grandmother (my sister in law) I like it so much that i felt like sharing with my blogger friends :)[image: 10360197_10153505896639148_5317222178268315911_n][image: 34343_401503857986_8185593_n]my sister in law Rehana Syed Dara is sitting next to his siter Leena Syed and brothers Deen and Adam Dara Syed C Block Social Studies 1/12/15 Reflection Paper I interviewed my Dadhi (Grandma) on the Indian Civil War, otherwise known as the Indian War of Independence, which took place in 1947. At that time, she was 8 years old, and living comfortably in her family home in the huge city of New pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
a post-crash confession
From the Blog beanbagtalesIn the middle of the afternoon today, I crashed. It wasn't a physical crash although eventually I did crash in front of my telly and watched a christmas chick flick which incidentally gave me a great idea for my new lamps which are technically not new lamps but a gift from my aunt who is giving away her stuff but in a way they are new. Why did I crash? Why does one crash? In my case it's usually a combination of pending things to do and things that I AM supposed to do and things I PLANNED to do. When I'm unable to meet the latter, postponing the planned activity day after day after day, frustration builds up and then at the most unlikely moment (which has NOTHING to do with the planned activity), I snap. SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! Emotional snap = morose face and zero response to anythpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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