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How to Be a Jerk: Tutorial 101

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesAssalamuAlaikum. How many of you used to say *cool *stood for "*Constipated Over weighted Out of style Loser*"? I'm sure you remember "*Junior Educated Rich Kid*" then too ^^. Today, we're going to talk about how you can be instantly transformed into a human entity known as "*The Jerk*". Jerks are normally rare to find straight out due to rising standards of society. However, that doesn't make them extinct. They just tend to wear special masks called "*BORED*" (*Being Over Reassuring-that-they-are-nice and Effectually Double-standard*). And I'm sure you guys know that power lies in the mask! (The Amazing Spiderman, anyone?) So what does this dreadful mask do? It makes it look like these people care about you (but usually, the mask doesn't cover up *The Jerk* enough) and that thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 738459015857804101 Pakistani Blog Posts


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