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Awaran: A meeting of the Rivers

From the Blog odysseuslahoriIn a forgotten month of 1988, I met Shahid Tarar who now heads National Highway Authority. Then he was a sharp, young assistant commissioner at Lasbela. “Are you out of your mind?” he asked incredulously only some minutes into our first ever meeting. At a loose end, arriving in Lasbela with my friend Syed Abu Akif, I had asked Shahid to arrange for me to be put on a lorry en route to Turbat. Now, there were buses and Shahid suggested I take one. I insisted on the lorry and he got serious doubts as to my mental health. But in the end he had his staff drive me out to the western edge of town where the dusty, unpaved trail snaked away into the hills and I was put on a lorry with a Pakhtun crew heading for Turbat. The idea was to see how the truckers went. A short way west of Lapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6732307159198997812 Pakistani Blog Posts


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