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I Am Not Charlie; I Am Ahmed

From the Blog riazhaqAhmed Merabet was a French Muslim police officer who died defending the people at Charlie Hebdo who mocked his prophet and his religion. He was a real hero. He stood for the rule-of-law and against vigilante justice imposed by the terrorists who attacked and killed a dozen people at Charlie Hebdo's office in Paris, France. So I honor him by saying "I am Ahmed" (Je Suis Ahmed). French Police Officer Ahmed MerabetAs I condemn the terrorist attack and honor Ahmed's memory, I must also say why "I am not Charlie" (Je ne suis pas Charlie). Here are my reasons: 1. While I strongly condemn the terror attack and sympathize with the families of those killed at Charlie Hebdo's office, I do not lionize satirists who"punch down" rather than "punch up", to borrow from Daily Beast's Arthurpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4637552120542529760 Pakistani Blog Posts


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