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Movies I Watched // some reviews

From the blog noorsplace I can't be claimed as a movie junkie but once in a while, I completely become a movies addict. Just because I had 12 extra days of vacations, I watched a lot of movies. And I thought, "well I could even write about it." I suppose it will make me feel like a IMDb specialist, so I will give it a shot. Writing a good or bad movie review will surely help me letting out the unspoken gossip I wanted to babble, anyways. *// Beautiful Creature* I watched it at a sleepover. It had been a while since I watched a fantasy fiction kind of thing and when everyone chose it for the movie night, I knew it must be something special. It's about a girl Lena, who's from a witch family. Or nearly like that. She, herself, doesn't want to be a witch. They have a tradition that if someone believes inpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Reality Awaits

From the blog r2square [image: Luggage left] I have been gone for over a month. Does it matter to you where I was and what I did? To *me* it does (of course). And the very fact you did not acknowledge my absence makes it even the more important to me. Where was I all these winters? I was at a countryside, eating guavas and oranges. Living one day at a time, no internet..partially incommunicado. Just those books in my hand and that Sun on my back. As now I pack my clothes into this giant bag, I stand a moment and close my eyes, watching those days we all gathered around the fire as the fog outside chilled the entire environment and blinded everyone. It was too cliched, too fine, it was the stuff that made up our memories and haunted us as the dark times came. But they aren’t here as yet, and let’s nopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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