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Time of the year again when the frozen Khalti Lake becomes a playground

From the blog pamirtimes[image: 10901604_386290181533910_8302083_o]Reporting by Abdul Rehman Bukhari Gilgit, January 9: Children and youth in the Khalti village of Gupis Tehsil, deep in the Ghizer district, are running, dancing and playing on the frozen Khalti Lake. They do not have a playground in their small village, and the winter season provides the perfect opportunity to compensate for the lake of opportunity. Children in large number run on the frozen surface, oblivious to the many risks involved They are now using the thick surface of the frozen lake to keep themselves warm and enjoy the winter season. There, definitely, are many risks attached with the action. But, for the time being, the risks are not stopping the children, youth and even the elders from playing on the frozen surface. Tourists pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Mobile Calls and Pictures

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Mobile Calls and Pictures: A blog post from Islamabad Girls at The largest Pakistani Models... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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