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Dark Life

From the Blog randomlyabstract “It’s not I who accepted the Dark Life. The Dark Life accepted me.” He sat on a rock, his head bowed and hands resting on knees. “I did not want to be what I have become. But I like it now… It suits me. I feel I am where I belong. It is Real. It is me.” I was sitting before him on the road and there was no one else around. When he said these words, I looked at him. I wanted more answers, and I was searching for them in his eyes. They are windows to your soul, after all, but somehow his soul was a locked corridor now, the key to which was unknown to even himself I thought. “Are you satisfied without having any friends?” I asked. “You *are* my friend!” he replied with a smile. I will never forget that smile. “I know that,” I said his name, “but I am not always there around you,pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Your Year in Review

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesIn the previous post, I talked about doing a blog party, based on the wonderful questions found HERE. There are fifty questions and I'm going to try keeping it concise and to the point. Let's start! Your 2014 1.What one event, big or small, are you going to tell your grandchildren about? >>Got into med school :D 2.If you had to describe your 2014 in 3 words, what would they be? >> Exciting, tough and new 3.What new things did you discover about yourself? >> I talk a lot when I'm nervous. 4.What single achievement are you most proud of? >> Got into med school xD 5.What was the best news you received? >> When I got into med school :D 6.What was your favourite place that you visited in 2014? >> Probably Nowshera, where we stopped on our (canceled) trip to Chitral. 7.Which of your pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1741634537609459684 Pakistani Blog Posts


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