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Book Sales in India: Profit Motive Drives Authors Bashing Pakistan

From the Blog riazhaqHave you ever wondered why the publication of anti-Pakistan books has become a major growth industry today? The answer is simple: Authors and publishers of books about Pakistan know where the money is. It's in India where the book sales are rising rapidly in the midst of continuing global decline. Strong profit motive drives them to write what Indians want to read. Those, like Professor Wendy Doniger of University of Chicago, who ignore this reality are punished by having their books withdrawn and pulped. No publisher wants to take this risk now. And authors who wish to get published have to understand it too. *Indian Book Market:* India's English language book market is the world's third largest, behind that of the United States at the top and of the United Kingdom at number 2.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7627939821571697954 Pakistani Blog Posts


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