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From the Blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* The title for this blog post is borrowed from the poem by the 14th century Sufi poet, Hafiz. I’ll get to his poem in a bit. But first, the night before last. I lied to my mother on the pretext that I was going for coffee, when in actual fact, I was going to cover the protest at Liberty Chowk, Lahore, initiated by young Pakistanis in solidarity with Mohammad Jibran Nasir’s Lal Masjid protest in Islamabad this week. Even though I’m an adult (I promise I am), I needed to lie to my only parent as rallies terrify her – mainly the fear of bombs going off at charged protests. While that would terrify just about anyone, Ma, more so. For example, when we used to live in Karachi in the 80s, the security situation in the late 80s left a deep impact on her. One incidentpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5670080637516793304 Pakistani Blog Posts


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