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The biggest mistakes, you do on Facebook pages

From the Blog 2lix Most Common Mistakes by facebook page adminsToday I Analyse the mistakes that companies mostly do on their Facebook Pages and i will go into the details. This list of most common mistakes should give you a better idea of how to post on your Facebook Page. 1. Posting too many times a day on Facebook page Posting too many times a day could be also represented as spamming their Facebook fans which shouldn’t be done by any means. How often you should post? Well The answer is, It depends on your brand or media. I recommend average of posting for a brand should be once a day or 2-3 times only if you have very good announcement. In the case of Media Companies, the threshold, fans can endure is bigger so typically the range should be 6-12 posts per day. 2. Posting the same content agapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9221787890093000866 Pakistani Blog Posts


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