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The deed is done – now all we do is wait

From the Blog jehanara I haven’t blogged for quite a while – Facebook, Google+ and Twitter are to blame. But today I felt the need to write more than just a tweet or a status message and so here we are … The last few weeks have been hectic. The P@SHA ICT Awards 2014 and then the preparations for APICTA 2014 in Jakarta have kept many of us on our toes. Some may say that I should have waited until I had news of how Team Pakistan fared at this year’s Asia Pacific ICT Awards APICTA). I think not. The wins are just part of the journey – and that news can wait until after the Gala Dinner tonight. I need to pen this down now before it is coloured by the results. Every year for the past 11 years we have been bringing teams to APICTA – to capitals across the Asia Pacific … and each year [image: A group of uspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9115067234158024813 Pakistani Blog Posts


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