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Pew Survey 2014: Pakistanis Report Progress, Pessimism

From the Blog riazhaqThe number of Pakistanis reporting they are better off now has increased from 25% in 2002 to 51% in 2014, according to Pew Research Center report from its 43-nation survey on life satisfaction around the world. However, only 36% of those surveyed in Pakistan express personal optimism over the nest five years. Among Pakistan's neighbors, 44% of Indians and 34% of Bangladeshis say they are now better off. Large majorities of Bangladeshis, Thais, Indonesians, Chinese, Filipinos and Indians expect their life in five years to be higher on the ladder than it is today. Pakistanis are considerably less sanguine about the future, but many say they don’t know where they will stand in five years (32%). Here the key findings of the survey: 1. On average, people in richer countries in pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6834154614645635201 Pakistani Blog Posts


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