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From the Blog randomlyabstract When poetry becomes a disease, and people all too untrustworthy When a million ideas begin to inspire, but they all sound just so clichéd When you are finally barefoot but the land disappears from below Or when you're ready to take flight but above you spans a sky no more. Commas, slashes, colons, fullstops: knives, daggers, tight knots, stones. When promises lose their sanctity– of forever, hope, "Forever, I hope." There is no use finding meaning, see Life keeps pouring death into bones. Filed under: 2014, My poetries pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Work and other things….

From the Blog syedaabidabokhari - Hello to all you beautiful (if not on the outside, at least on the inside) people out there. I know, it's been a long long looooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg time that I am interacting with you all. Life is busy, and so is me. And even when I am not, I have mastered the art to at least look busy. AND it's not working. So that should explain why I am here. Yeah. Another post full of my whines, how-unfairly-life-is-treating-me and all that kinda stuff. So, why should you read this post? Well, you shouldn't. Or maybe you can. If you are one of those who take solace in others' misery. As it happens, I am one of those. But I can't find a blog like mine (trust me I didn't say it in a bragging sort of way). But you have (again, not bragging). Congratulations. So, it'spakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 310393847513217912 Pakistani Blog Posts


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