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I Can See You

From the Blog hassanqadeerbutt I can see you In the distance, through the distance, And even though The stones that stand between you and me As opaque, placid they can be, stronger than ever, Strengthened by centuries of decaying of connection and will and life and joy, And that earth beneath me is refusing to stay still, And that my eyes are blind by the shadows of strain And my hands now refuse to listen to me, Still, Because you are so far away from me, And because you are above the frame and space for me, And because you are a mirror That reflects my burning, my yearnings and my learnings, And because that burning produces a light That flames the yearnings Which lights the learning, And that light can pass though stones, and frozen hands and blind eyes, To reach you, Because you know it, And since you know it, yopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5211838395375970799 Pakistani Blog Posts


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