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Sheikh Rashid - True Face of Poor in Pakistan

From the Blog pkhope The reason why our intelligentsia and elite turns away their heads in disgust and they condemn the Awami Muslim League (AML) leader, Shaikh Rasheed because they think that this is so cheap and street like talk. Yes that’s what it is and street talk is all about the common public. Pakistan is drifting towards anarchy because there is mounting unrest among the populace. People are fed up of nepotism, corruption, lethargy and wrongdoings of this government in Islamabad, Punjab, and Sindh. Balochistan is just an extension of Islamabad. As soon as Sheikh Rasheed and Imran Khan launched their awareness campaign about the high-handedness of status quo forces in last year’s election plus the incompetency of this government in the last one year; Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Pakistpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 346098149693781919 Pakistani Blog Posts


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