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I am bad !

From the Blog thinkinglifeandyouAnd once HR wrote somewhere in her diary: My world is old…surprisingly old…achingly old…beautifully old...hmm.... They say that when its 8 am of a morning…it is still 1938 with me…and they – whoever “they” might be in this case…are right. Among the latest gadgets and iPhones…and what not…HR is still living in 1940…and once you meet HR you will wonder whether she is real or is she a character came to meet you from a World War II movie. You loath to see her…whenever you see her emerging out of rickshaw and crossing the road with small and decided steps you take a deep breath to get ready for some old drama… looked around and think you are the only thwarted and most unlucky one to have her…why not you get someone better…someone to give you hope for future…someone pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4437438922199456380 Pakistani Blog Posts


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