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E-Commerce Transport and Automobile Conference 2014 Held in Lahore

From the Blog telecompk Press Release: Easy Taxi and Carmudi recently held the E-commerce Transport and Automobile Conference 2014, to promote and educate the general public about the benefits, success, and growth of ecommerce in Pakistan through the recent years. The conference was a showcase presenting the ecommerce growth in Pakistan that is revolutionizing the automobile and transport industry holistically. The event was attended by people from all walks of life including prominent media personalities, bloggers, distinguished ecommerce players, as well as students from various educational institutions. Some prominent speakers at the event included West Asia Managing Director for Easy Taxi, Mr Leonardo Schmidt Boz; Country Manager Pakistan for, Mr Ali Izhar; and Managing Director of Asipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8683109140296731774 Pakistani Blog Posts


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