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Do You Need to Make Space?

From the Blog beanbagtalesThe most important thing about writing (besides the actual physical act) is being true to oneself. Whenever I put on a guard and try and write the perfect sentence or try and come up with the perfect topic, I end up a) either not writing or b) writing the most boring stuff or c) putting up a quote on the blog. And whenever a, b or c happens, I know I'm not writing for myself. I went over my blog entries from the beginning (Nov 2009) and noticed a gradual change in the posts. What I'd love to write here is that the quality of my posts, both in terms of content and writing style, has improved manifold but the truth is far from that. My posts on the bean bag started off in a voice that was honest and well, mine. But later posts, say in the past two years, are more contrived and borpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

I Miss You

From the Blog snowysensation This sudden feeling grasped me leaving a lump in my throat; my heart tightening up suddenly, skipping a heartbeat and tears welled up in my eyes! I miss you so much mum… if only I could fly and just reach you in a microsecond! pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3592864010693073249 Pakistani Blog Posts


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