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So…will I die

From the Blog sohaibalvi So…will I die With words not written Those books unread The play not staged The script not made He had ideas, they will say But alas, he is dead. So…will I die A vision destined to arrive, Lost now in a world of dread Where dreams stay dreams In a silence that screams He had plans, they will say But alas he is dead So…will I die With so much to say With so much unsaid, In a crowd but unseen Ah, what could have been He had talent, they will say But alas he is dead. So…will I die Was it a life fulfilled or one made, not bred With a longing to serve To be loved and to love He had a desire, they will say But alas, he is dead So…will I die So will I die pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 965717691377839023 Pakistani Blog Posts


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