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Babies Born in USA Swaddled in Pakistan-Made Blankets

From the Blog riazhaqAnxious wait turned to pure joy as my daughter Amber gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy in San Francisco after a prolonged labor last weekend. The arrival of my first grandchild was a very exciting moment for all of us and our son-in-law Glenn's brothers and parents. Soon after normal delivery, Yasmeen, Michelle and I rushed to the hospital room to hold the baby and smiled and cooed at him with excitement. He was comfortably swaddled in a soft, warm flannel blanket patterned with pink and blue baby footprints. A quick look at the tag revealed that the blanket was made in Pakistan. As we decided to share the unique happy moment through pictures with our global family and friends, the obvious choice to reach most of them was via Facebook. The news spread fast and tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4328846283951174748 Pakistani Blog Posts


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