Unconditional Love!
From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: mom-baby-ipad_635x250_1412098306] The true story touched my heart so deeply that I felt like sharing A young Californian mother made the ultimate sacrifice for her newborn daughter when she refused lifesaving treatment for cancer. Ashley Bridges was 10 months pregnant when she learned of her diagnosis. Doctors suggested her to start chemotherapy treatment immediately. It needed her baby to be terminated. But Ashley refused to kill her healthy baby just because she was sick. During her third trimester at eighth month Bridges was told that delaying treatment had allowed the cancer to spread. "That's basically when they told me that it was terminal." She said. Bridges was told that needed to deliver Paisley immediately so she could start treatment. Even with multiple rpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
Bank Al Falah re-issues me, my credit card after more than 5 years.
From the Blog ppakistanI used to be a Bank Al Falah credit card user in their early start up days around 2004-5 At that time bank Al Falah was offering credit card with no annual fees. I had several other bank credit cards so I was not using Al Falah credit card that much regularly. Since the card had no annaul fee, I would rarely get their monthly bill statement. That was also the time when banks were not using sms service. So one day, while checking my wallet, I noticed that my credit card has expired for more than several months, and I havent received any new credit card from the bank. Usually all banks send renewal cards well in advance. I called up Al Falah help line, and inquired about the renewal credit card. *To my sweet surprise cum disappointment, I was told that since I have not been using pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
غیر قانونی باؤلنگ ایکشن کے خلاف تاخیر پر آسٹریلیا مایوس
From the Blog cricnama آسٹریلیا آف اسپن گیندبازی کے معاملے میں بنجر سرزمین ہے، لیگ اسپن کے بادشاہ شین وارن تو اس کی تاریخ کا حصہ ہیں لیکن کسی ایسے آف اسپن باؤلر نے یہاں جنم نہیں لیا کہ جس کے قصیدے دنیا نے پڑھے ہوں۔ شاید یہی وجہ ہے کہ جیسے ہی دنیا بھر کے آف اسپنرز زیر عتاب آئے ہیں، سب سے زیادہ بغلیں بھی آسٹریلیا ہی میں بجائی جا رہی ہیں۔ جب ہیڈ کوچ سے لے کر (شاید) چپڑاسی تک سب کی باچھیں کھلی ہوئی ہوں تو آخر اسپن کوچ کیوں خاموش رہیں؟ وہ بھی اپنے چار آنے کے ساتھ حاضر ہیں اور کہتے ہیں کہ بین الاقوامی کرکٹ کونسل نے غیر قانونی باؤلنگ ایکشن کے خلاف کارروائی میں بہت تاخیر کردی ہے۔ [image: آسٹریلیا نے اپنے اسپنرز کو "دوسرا" پھینکنے پر مجبور نہیں کیا: اسپن کوچ جان ڈیویسن (تصویر: Getty Images)] آسٹریلیا نے اپنے اسپنرز کو "دوسرا" پھینکنے پر مجبور نہیں کیا: اسپن کوچ جان ڈیویسن (تصویر: Getty Images) کوچ جان ڈیویسpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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