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Quotes From Real Life

From the Blog noorsplace I am that kind of person who needs to get inspired every once in a while. No matter if it's a quote, a tv show or even Amma Jaan's mega long lecture (last for like...2 months?) But quotes are even better. You never know how a simple line could effect your whole existence. Your whole life story. Errrrrything. There are so SO many quotes out there, from successful/famous people. But today , I want to share some quotes off my own life. Some stuff people from my life told me. It inspired me to be a lot better person than I could ever be on my own. I heard it in some academic lectures. I would have laughed it off if I wasn't a high school graduate myself. Education literally makes you more aware, more better and more focused towards your goals. I've always heard it from pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8552440527979211454 Pakistani Blog Posts


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