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The Dark Sludge of Religious Sectarianism

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Saad Hafiz* [image: Dr Auj] The recent murder of Dr Mohammad Shakil Auj, the dean of Islamic Studies at the University of Karachi, is yet another atrocity in Pakistan’s seemingly unending sectarian conflict. Apparently, Dr Auj, known for his liberal religious views, was targeted for speaking out against sectarian killings. Since the 1980s, the country has been wracked by violence, mostly perpetrated by Sunni extremist groups against the Shia minority. It is important to mention that the Shias are not the only sect facing violence at the hands of extremists and terrorists in Pakistan. The Ahmedi community, Hindus, Christians and even Barelvi Sunnis are all at the receiving end of this Sunni onslaught, evidence that over the years Pakistan has become a hotbed of extremist vpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Crime of Crimes

From the Blog mtrtmk Gaza and the ‘crime of crimes’ Farmland in the border areas has been defined as a buffer zone which Israel unilaterally extends by direct gunfire upon farmers. When you deprive a population of the means of life and of movement, when the injured cannot access healthcare, when the exiled are forced time and again back into canvas tents, and when all of this happens under ferocious attack by land, sea and air with the international community looking on whilst quietly arming Israel – what would you call this? … The barbaric onslaught on Gaza July-August 2014 will be a main focus of our campaigning for accountability of not just Israel but third party states. Israel and its accomplices must not be allowed to get away with the extermination of a people. We must prevent the crime ofpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8841786100349371871 Pakistani Blog Posts


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