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White Roses.

From the Blog randomlyabstract Apparently fixed on the ceiling, those stone-like eyes kept staring into nothingness and the worlds beyond it. The fan whirred slowly, like the clock ticked short taps, and the heart pumped liquid in and out. Everything moved in its own circle of existence, performing the allotted functions steadily and uncomplainingly. But even then, it felt like the world had somehow turned upside-down, and the fan whirred only to mock in its own given voice, the time moved to show how invaluable every other being before it was, and the muscle pulsated to define how the gods-on-earth were only too frail and fragile; not being able to keep anything from working or breaking—not even their hearts. Once unleashed, the mind traveled speedily into the fields of green and gold where the spark in onpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9022245116973845694 Pakistani Blog Posts


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