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Her Quirky Art World

From the Blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* On the surface, Mahnoor Hussain’s contemporary miniature art depicts a world that is ridiculously amusing and tragically hilarious…veering off into a unique brand of nuttiness. However upon closer inspection, Hussain’s paintings point towards grim themes that explore human psychosis: self-delusion, mania, isolation and more. In an interview with *Paperazzi*, the immensely talented NCA graduate (currently based in Chicago) speaks about the grim theme behind her last solo show and the subjects encapsulated within her unique brand of art. [image: 'Circling the drain' by Mahnoor Hussain] ‘Circling the drain’ by Mahnoor Hussain *The subjects of your miniature paintings are unique and rather quirky – please tell me a little about the themes of some of your paintingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


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