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The Ideal Blogger (#2) Content and Consistency

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesBefore I start off with this, I thought I'd let you guys know that I added one last section to the previous post titled "Utilize Social Media". Click here for the previous part. Okay, let's get started (: First off- *content*. This is what people judge your blog by. And this is what you should ask yourself when you open up your blog in your browser tab. "Are my blog posts actually interesting? Have I written these posts sincerely enough to catch the eye of someone who doesn't know me and probably has different interests? Is there something in the posts that a general majority should be able to relate to?" If you're writing a personal blog, ask yourself these questons. "When I document these feelings and events, does this help me in any sort of way? Will I be able to refer bacpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6871170391557915630 Pakistani Blog Posts


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