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A different revolution

From the Blog mehmalA policeman shot two men in Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi yesterday. One of them lost his life, while the other was wounded. Both men were accused of blasphemy a charge punishable by death in Pakistan. While no death sentence has been carried out for those charged with blasphemy, non-profit organisation, ‘Life for All’ says that at least 48 blasphemy-accused have been killed extrajudicially. In most if not all cases these laws are misused by those wanting to settle property disputes, personal vendetta, etc. Both Muslims and non-Muslims have been targeted due to these laws. It is quite easy for anyone here to label someone else a ‘non-Muslim’ or accuse them of blasphemy, as there is hardly any accountability when a crime is committed in the name of religion. For years, human rights pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Government of Pakistan to split and sell PIA

From the Blog chowrangi In a drive to sell national assets to payback IMF loans, PML-N led government of Pakistan is eager to sell Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), the flagship national carrier, to a joint consortium of Emirates Airlines, Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways. According to Reuters, Pakistan Minister of State for Privatization Mohammad Zubair (who is brother of [...] The post Government of Pakistan to split and sell PIA appeared first on Chowrangi. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

I know how men in exile feed on dreams

From the Blog razarumiTo the accompaniment of songs, poetry and history, Raza Rumi spent a bittersweet evening with fellow exiles exploring the state of his banishment “Our native soil draws all of us, by I know not what sweetness, and never allows us to forget.” ? Ovid I sat there, on a wooden deck with a motley crew […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1210608367062561414 Pakistani Blog Posts


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