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Bitter Truth of Pakistan

From the Blog pkhope In yesterday’s Khara Saach teaser Mubashir Luqman showed a smaller clip from the interview of Asim Malik. He brought Dr Moid Pirzada as a guest commentator. The smaller clip showed snippets from different recordings of Rana Mashood, battling Punjab Law Minister receiving money from Asim Malik on behalf of Punjab’s Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif. Before I analyse the contents of the interview by Asim Malik and its implications, let’s look at the history of Dr Pirzada. Though educated and trained as a Physician, in recent years the Doctor decided to complete his Masters in Political Science. The sole purpose to change the direction was to enter the “lucrative market” of Pakistani media. This fact should always be kept in mind while listening to the comments from people like Dr pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4272791645083819779 Pakistani Blog Posts


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