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India, Bangladesh Most Vulnerable to Climate Change; China and Pakistan Close Behind

From the Blog riazhaqBangladesh and India, along with several South East Asian and African nations, are the most vulnerable to climate change, while the United States, Canada and Western Europe are the least vulnerable, according to a recently-published assessment by Standard and Poor credit rating service. The rich industrialized nations which have contribute the most to climate change are the least vulnerable to its disastrous effects now. The report says Pakistan and China are relatively less vulnerable than India and Bangladesh. Source: Standard and Poor Global Portal There are two basic reasons why poor countries are bearing the brunt of climate change: geography and poverty. Most of the red countries on the Standard and Poor map lie near the equator, where climate change-caused storms, floodpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7083220652889520533 Pakistani Blog Posts


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