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6 Times I Think It's Better To Keep Sleeping

From the Blog noorsplace I am not sure if it's safe to say that I choose to sleep rather than facing certain amount of troubles at their point of happening. Most of the time. A sleeping person is half dead. He/She doesn't mind anything and keep things calm. Because? They're half dead, I told you. Sometimes , I find myself choosing to sleep (with guilty okay) rather than waking up and actually fight off. *1. When I have to do something* *Typical*. Before going to bed, I have a list in mind about the stuff I'd need to be doing after I wake up. SO if my conscience keeps poking me during my sleep, I'd wake up, look around, remind myself and SLAM my head to pillow. Sweet dreams to me. *2. When I have to go to a completely unwanted social event* I probably attend only 2% of social events these days. No chit pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3162498025714876352 Pakistani Blog Posts


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