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Gooddoughnut Life

From the Blog noorsplace Holla!! to every single human being and rocks out there. Yeah I guess I am that much lonely to say hi to rocks. Just kidding. I need to write. Life is my favorite topic to talk on , to write on , to yadda-yadda-yadda. No matter what is it about. Life is interesting. Everyone's life is. Have you ever wondered about some life events and you're like "no man no" because year by year or day by day , we have some memories that are special. No matter if they were embarrassing or funny or heart breaking. They become past and when you reminisce , they turn out to be a great reflection. *That's life*. Funny. But some events change you. Some break you. Some even kill you inside (and out). What I like most is like 99% of us still get away with it? Humans are seriously amazing. I am sure pepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1985868178463665306 Pakistani Blog Posts


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