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Lahore’s Last ‘Lollywood’ Poster Artist Looks Back on a 50-Year-Career

From the Blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* It takes us (my photographer and I) a good 20 minutes or so to find his office. The tiny lanes are claustrophobic and busy as we drive past tea-sellers, donkey carts, badly parked cars and motorbikes, printing shops and offices that seem to spill over in a mesh of weekday chaos. We are in Royal Park, in Lahore. Seated at his desk and dressed in a black button-down and cream-colored pants, *Sarfraz Iqbal* (or ‘S Iqbal,’ as he’s more commonly known) greets us with a warm grin, apologizing profusely for not being able to send his attendant downstairs to guide us to his office. The attendant is away, he mentions, and then apologizes again. Iqbal’s work spans decades — from 1962 until today, Lahore’s last Lollywood poster artist (who draws by hand) is still at itpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8441029652161306035 Pakistani Blog Posts


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