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Sunshine Award

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writesI'd put this award on hold since I had an interview and stuff to worry about, but now that that's over (I don't want to talk about it just yet, so maybe I'll post about it later) and my nominator is going on hiatus, I thought I'd better upload this as soon as possible. So without further chit chat, I present to you a Sunshine Award I got from Whimsical Youngster. The rules are fairly simple, all you have to do is post five facts about yourself and then answer five questions before tagging your own nominees and giving them a different set of five questions.(: => FIVE FACTS The ginormous Qmobile 1. Just downloaded instagram (finally) and trying to figure out all the cool stuff it can do apparently xD 2. I was carrying three cell phones yesterday, my cracked HTC HD7, a pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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