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Decline In Academic Credentials Due To Negligence In Parental Responsibility

From the blog chowrangi Parents should know what is being taught to their children in school, make sure the classwork is complete, should check homework, and be a little strict with their children as a child’s study pattern is formed at home. Parents should make sure that children learn what is being taught in school on the same day. [...] The post Decline In Academic Credentials Due To Negligence In Parental Responsibility appeared first on Chowrangi. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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“Undecided” should not be an option

From the blog blog In hindsight, a lot of decision are easy to make. All sorts of decisions. “Of course I would have chosen the religion I have now.” “Of course slavery was bad!” “Of course imperialism was unjust!” “Of course *Madiba* was wise!” # “Of course *Iqbal* was not a heretic!” # “Of course the political movement was necessary, so what if the *corrupt ruling elite* declared it illegal? It was right although it was illegal.” “Of course Hitler was a mass murderer!” Never forget, whatever Hitler did was legal – *Martin Luther King*. But standing on the right side of an argument *as it happens* is not that easy. During the struggle for Pakistan, it was easy to be wrong. The *Quaid-e-Azam* (meaning: Father of the Nation) Mohammad Ali Jinnah actually *changed* his decision; he first tried fpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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