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Why take the Ice Bucket Challenge?

From the Blog ayaz I first heard about the Ice Bucket Challenge when I briefly read a post shared on Facebook about Bill Gates taking on the challenge. I then read about it again where Elon Musk was soliciting help of his children to undertake the same challenge. To me, it seemed a pointless little thing. What I didn’t know was that the challenge had a much deeper meaning, which, sadly, many of the people taking the challenge neglected to mention. You could say that my ignorance is mostly to blame for it, and nothing else, and I’d partly agree with you. However, I talked to a number of people who knew about the challenge but had no clue what it was about. It’s a real shame that despite the challenge taking the Internet by storm, very few places mentioning the challenge actually took the time to epakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5447239544669325042 Pakistani Blog Posts


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