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From the Blog insanitation-bubble-attackTravelstation, little May to little June of 2014. Time? The entire clock. Where? From our city by the sea to another city by the sea. With? Ourselves. This? Some part of the journey in scribbles. Count down? One down, many to go. So this is where it ends, I thought. No. This is how it ends. You prepare for it since a long time. You come a long way from home for it, only to get back just when you are over taken by a strange fondness for it. As long as I have been back I couldn't figure out how to put it in words that could picture everything of those days until I thought calender dates would help me take the start. From twenty eighth of May till the fourth of June, I was nothing but on a short start to travel that might sound the most shortest for all or a mere weekend they'd spend lpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1831180169082470858 Pakistani Blog Posts


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