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THE UNWRITTEN STORY: Standing At Crossroads

From the Blog faizansworld Don’t know why, but mind is extremely volatile in nature. It is like a fire which spread thousands of miles over the longest and thickest forests on earth. Don’t know why, but inner nature can’t take anything for granted. Eyes are tired but mind isn't just shutting off. Sleep is far from happening when intense battle is taking place between heart and mind in the arena of unfortunate body. Life has been envious; I am surrounded by forces which don’t want to let my real self come out. In a way, I am being forced to calm down which I simply refuse to do so. And so, I am shackled with heavy chains and my feet are attached to the vast knots of incompetence. The inner world seems to be like an ocean - a vast, deep ocean - enclosed in a tiny drop, waiting to explode and cause havoc.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3188773304822595084 Pakistani Blog Posts


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