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Agony of being away from your Love !

From the Blog aicha-ibThere have been so many things in life that I thought I would never ever get , I thought I was not lucky enough to live that way so much so that I didn't even pray for it because I was so certain of my inadequacy but God blessed me with all of that. He wanted that for me himself because I never even prayed for it. Like Rizwan-my Husband. If I had ever trusted anyone so much even more than I trusted myself,it's Rizwan. There is nothing I want to do against his will. he changed me, rather he made me a better and a great person. I wouldn't have been what I'm if he were not in my life. I would just have been a bitter and a totally,utterly failed person. I don't know if I'm destined to be a failure now and I don't know if I will be living with him but I request God not to snatch frompakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3531292228212067367 Pakistani Blog Posts


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