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Teen Pilot Haris Suleman Died in a Plane Crash

From the Blog sarahinsouthkorea Haris poised to become the youngest commanding pilot to fly around the world died in a crash Wednesday off the coast of American Samoa. The plane carrying 17-year-old Haris Suleman, and his father, Babar, crashed just after takeoff in Pago Pago, the capital of American Samoa, reports Fox 59. They actually took off at night and that was risky. The father and son set out to spend 30 days flying to cities across the world. According to the Indy Star, the two left their home in Indiana on June 19. The progress of the Sulemans could be followed on Haris’ @worldrounder Twitter feed and on the blog Around the World 4 Education. The trip would take them to 21 different cities. On the Suleman’s blog, Haris writes that he hoped to follow in his father’s footsteps and go into enginpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5957684624259451143 Pakistani Blog Posts


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