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Is democracy unIslamic?

From the Blog pkhope It was afternoon, 12 Rabi ul Awal 11 AH that heart breaking event of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) passing away was announced in his holy hujra mubarak. The announcement was so tragic that many Sahaba Kiram (RA) of very high status were overwhelmed thereby. It was Hazrat Abu Bakkar Sidique (RA), who managed the situation very soberly and gracefully. And he therefore succeeded in restoring the scattered hearts and minds of the Ahl e Bet and Sahaba Kiram (RA). All this was going on that in the meanwhile he (RA) was informed about the gathering in Saqifa Bani Saida, where hot debate was under way about the succession. Feeling the gravity of the time and situation Hazrat Abu Bakkar Sidique (RA) went there along with Omar Farooq Obaida Bin Jarah. He (RA) controlled the situation gracefupakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4470916835309660997 Pakistani Blog Posts


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