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Lessons My Toddler Teaches Me

From the Blog gollgappayBefore Jahanara turned two, I decided I was not going to ever roll my eyes at one of her tantrums and say resignedly, "Terrible twos!" Instead, I coined the term "Terrific twos," because it's all about how you see it, right? Wrong! I witnessed a spectacular melt-down today all because I spilled some water on the table and followed this unbelievably clumsy act with more serious crimes, like giving my daughter the wrong bowl and the wrong snack and saying all the wrong things, "No, I will not give you such-and-such until you say 'please'!" What I observed after she had calmed down and was happily singing along one of the songs of *The Fresh Beat Band* and eating her dinner is that toddlers have immense stores of will-power. If I were still as angry as I was this afternoon during thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1701821158014990736 Pakistani Blog Posts


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