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Squaw Vally Poetry Workshop - Day 2

From the Blog gollgappayThis is going to be a short one because today was a very full and very fulfilling day. Jahan and RebeccaI had my first workshop with Haryette Mullen in the morning. I read a poem titled *A Poem for my Sister on the Eve of her Wedding*, which was written just hours before. I got great feedback, met some really awesome poets, and in general had a very rewarding session. Afterwards, we went to the pool, where I lounged around lazily under an umbrella while Rebecca attempted to give Jahan a swimming lesson. Later in the afternoon, I attended a craft talk given by Matthew Zapruder during which he talked about overcoming the blank page. One of the things he said that I was a little surprised by was that poems should have variations in lines. If each line sounds the same, then the pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3607796532130921888 Pakistani Blog Posts


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