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Understanding Pakistani “Delight” on Modi’s Victory

From the Blog pakteahouse * Raza Habib Raja* [image: Gujarat's Chief Minister Narendra Modi wears an Indian traditional turban as he sits on the first day of his fast at a convention centre in Ahmedabad]A few days ago, my friend Abhinav Pandya wrote a detailed article on my request examining Modi’s spectacular victory. The article was also a defense of Modi with respect to the assertions made by liberal/left ( or pseudo seculars in the opinion of Modi’s supporters) that Modi’s win would actually tantamount to the rise of communalism or rather death of Indian secularism. I have shared Abhinav’s article and also my own articles on my Facebook wall and I have so far been amused by the kind of reaction shown by some of my Pakistani friends. I am posting some of the comments ad verbatim. A friend offered fpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

israel’s assault of the Elderly

From the Blog mtrtmk The brave israeli forces in action doing what they do best. Took a whole contingent of israel’s finest to beat up an old man. (Video included) pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1960578420549981594 Pakistani Blog Posts


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