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Ruttie and Jinnah

From the Blog shaistathinks Ruttie revered his wisdom and logic; he was enamoured by her exceptional intellect. However, despite their unfaltering love and dedication to each other, the marriage suffered as Jinnah’s political commitments resulted in extended separations while he toured India in his fight for independence from the British yoke. Extract from* Khawaja Razi Haider *book, “Ruttie Jinnah” Ruttie and Jinnah pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

What I think of America

From the Blog usefulthought-sFor the following reasons I feel America is as close as it gets to a successful model of society: *No one can play God. * It is a fair society with a non-corrupt legal system. One of the biggest implications of this is that if a Muslim business does very well and the powerful Jewish community competes with them, the Jewish community cannot damage the business of the Muslim group using unfair means. Owing to a fair legal system the Muslim business, like Muslim people and just any and everybody can fight for their rights and get them. *Everything is systematic, **and therefore reliable.* In my work I have to sometimes re-use open source software components from various technologies to build a new software. This is possible for me because I can rely on open source software componepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1061877292670360203 Pakistani Blog Posts


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