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U.S. Doctor Is Killed by Gunman in Pakistan

From the Blog pakistanisforpeace As Reported By Waqar Gillani for The New York Times [image: Dr mahdi Ali Qamar] LAHORE, Pakistan — An American doctor volunteering at a hospital in eastern Pakistan was shot to death on Monday in front of his wife and 3- year-old son in the latest attack on a follower of the minority Ahmadi faith at a time of rising intolerance across the country. One of two men on a motorbike opened fire on the doctor, Mehdi Ali Qamar, 50, a cardiologist based in Ohio, as he entered a cemetery in Rabwah, a town in central Punjab Province that is the main center of the Ahmadi community in Pakistan, the police said. Dr. Qamar had arrived in Pakistan two days earlier as a volunteer at a hospital in Rabwah that has been a target of an extremist hate campaign in recent months. His wife, sister-in-lpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog randomlyabstract[image: H1_] [image: H2_] [image: H3_] [image: H4_] [image: H5_] [image: H7_] Filed under: 2014, Paintings and Scribblings pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1656001615642857735 Pakistani Blog Posts


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