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The Little things in life & How to bring-up your children?

From the Blog aicha-ib Let’s take a moment and praise everything we don’t usually. Let’s notice the things without which life is ugly but we never pray for them, Let’s use our senses to the little things in life which makes all the difference but we don’t harness them to our advantage rather we have put it in a danger. We work in big, ugly buildings, the bigger the better , the more high-tech it is, the more we feel accomplished, while they are so far from nature and it doesn’t bother us much. Our cities are a mess, and eatables are adulterated just like our integrity. Our roads, our parks, our empty plots are filled with so much filth, it’s appalling. We pray for a lot of money, travelling to far and wide places while the beauty near us is in shambles. No matter how much money you have, in the end hepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5934133954498409556 Pakistani Blog Posts


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